mathias lécuyer

Assistant Professor @ The University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Mathias Lecuyer

I am an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, where I am part of Systopia, UBC S&P, TrustML, ML @ UBC, and CAIDA. Prior to this, I was a postdoc researcher at Microsoft Research in NY. I completed my PhD at Columbia University.

I am broadly interested in machine learning systems, with a specific focus on applications that provide rigorous guarantees of robustness, privacy, and security. My research focuses both on improving practical and theoretical tools (differential privacy, causal inference, reinforcement learning) and enabling specific use-cases (ML attacks/defenses, privacy preserving data management, system decisions optimization).

Office: ICICS 317


Graduate students: Postdoctoral researchers: Undergraduate students: Alumni:

Publications & Preprints


I teach/taught the following classes:

Invited Talks
